
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lean Manufacturing Tools, 5S, VSM Current & Future, S.M.E.D, Lead/Cycle & Takt Time, Kanban, Poka Y

The JIPM 12 step methodology for TPM implementation is as follows, please note that TPM is a Registered Trademark of JIPM:
Step 1 - Declaration of Management Intent.
Step 2 - Introductory Training and Campgain for TPM
Step 3 - Establish a TPM organization
Step 4 - Establish Basic TPM Policy & Goals
Step 5 - Develop a master plan for TPM Implementation
Step 6 - Start TPM (Select Manager Model Machine)
Step 7 - Introduce a system for improving Production efficiency (KK,AM,PM, E&T Pillars activated)
Step 8 - Early Management System for new machines & Plants
Step 9 - Introduction of Quality Maintenance System
Step 10 - Start Improving Office Efficiency
Step 11 - Introduce Healthy working environment and safety systems
Step 12 - Sustain full TPM and raise levels of improvements

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